Once again calling for the involvement of Galician society as a whole in the forthcoming challenges posed by the celebration of Xacobeo 2021, the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, highlighted some of the objectives set by the Xunta for this upcoming celebration during the presentation of the Xacobeo Strategic Plan, which took place at an event in the City of Culture in an event that brought together more than 700 people from the fields of politics, culture or pilgrimage. In this sense, Núñez Feijóo highlighted his conviction that the Xacobeo 2021 will increase Galicia’s Gross Domestic Product by 0.9% and create 11,500 full-time jobs in the next four years, from today until 2022, the last year that will be directly influenced by the Holy Year.
He did so during the presentation of the Strategic Plan of Xacobeo 2021 before members of the Church, mayors of the more than 120 town halls through which the roads run, Xacobean and cultural association and tourist directors, a broad representation of Galicia with which he wanted to show that “Xacobeo belongs to everyone. Galicians have the right to live Xacobeo, to enjoy it, but we also have the duty to prepare it, to enrich it, each from their respective responsibilities, individual or collective,” he said.
In the same vein, Feijóo stressed the importance of each of the roles that each person or entity has so that the land seen in Xacobeo 2021, and in the following 2027 and 2032, is “more Galicia Calidade than ever”, and expressed his desire that the whole Community be the welcoming home for those who visit us, a territory that, if the expectations of the Xunta are fulfilled, with the aim of surpassing in the next Holy Year the 9.3 million visitors, among travellers and pilgrims, that were marked in the previous Xacobeo.
In the same way, he assured that the Xacobeo of the 5,000 days as it has denominated it the Xunta, “demands that we give the best of ourselves each one of them” and invited all the Galicians to take advantage together of the Galicia Xacobea of the next decade to deepen in the areas marked as priorities: a green, young, familiar and innovative Galicia, areas in which also the development of the Strategic Plan of the Xacobeo has been configured, of which a video summary was presented under the slogan “Eu Teño 21”.
Galicia, at the best time for the celebration of the Holy Years
During his speech, the president of the Xunta stated that “there is no doubt that using the following Holy Years as a platform to teach Galicia that we want to be in the next decade is an ambitious goal,” but said that “we have an advantage that allows us to do it with due preparation: enough time ago.
In this sense, he explained that, the difference of Xacobeo 2010, “we have been preparing this appointment for years, and even more intensely since now, with this Strategic Plan as a roadmap, still a year and a half to open the Holy Door. Feijóo also advocated to achieve this administrative unit, the Xunta, municipalities and central government, because “will be the best example for Galicians and Galicians. In this line, he gave as an example the results of the call O teu Xacobeo, which reveal a Galicia with ideas and the desire that the next Holy Year “will be the best also because it will be the most participatory,” he said, emphasizing that “this is how it should be because each grain that is contributed will count to achieve the best results.
The president of the Xunta emphasized to finish that the pilgrim phenomenon allows to show from Galicia a multifaceted vision of the world, with a great capacity to understand the diversity. “Defending Xacobeo should also force us to become promoters of that diversity, which is as contrary to the isolationist temptations as the others that seek to blur the personality of each territory,” he said.