According to Exceltur’s latest report on the evolution of the quarter and prospects for the summer season in Spain, the process of consolidating the divergent scenarios with two major Spanish tourist destinations continues: that of the interior and tourism in cities, whose upturn continues to rise, with greater spending on destination, and the moderate but continued fall of coastal destinations, especially the most tourperized and dependent on the foreign market, such as the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands, which show gradual falls and each day more structural from 2018, which require more determined action to reverse them. In fact, during the second quarter of the year the fall was more than 9% in Murcia, 6% in Valencia and Catalonia and 3% in the Canary Islands. The data were positive (8.6%) in inland destinations and Green Spain, motivated by the increase in urban tourism, the holding of events and the enjoyment of cultural experiences and business tourism.
However, and in general, tourism entrepreneurs expect to slightly increase summer 2018 levels because of good expectations for holiday destinations more dependent on Spanish demand. Based on data from Exceltur’s report, the slowdown in activity in Spain is noted, which will lead the tourism GDP to grow by 1.6% in 2019 as a whole, below the rate of 2.4% forecast for the economy as a whole.
The document also stresses that Catalonia, Asturias and Galicia are the coastal destinations with the best expectations for this summer. The Exceltur report reveals that almost 40% of entrepreneurs in these communities expect to improve their results compared to the same period last year. The document also reflects a notable increase in demand in other destinations in the north of the country, such as Castilla León and Navarra, and in large cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia.
Given these data and the beginning of the legislature, the employers of the tourism sector includes in the report a series of reflections on tourism policy and recommendations as well as the Decalogue of tourism policies and initiatives at regional / local level for the legislature (2019-2023).