Galician tourism sector increased revenues 5% in the second quarter

The last report EXCELTUR also includes an increase of 3% of employment in our community

As recorded by the latest report issued by Exceltur on developments in the Spanish tourism sector and prospects for this summer, the second quarter of 2016 highlighted by a strong increase in employment in the sector in response to the growing tourist demand in the IIT 2016 that has advanced the season in most vacation destinations and promoted the creation of 88,124 additional jobs (+ 5.7%) in tourist branches in late June 2016, heavily concentrated in the coastal areas of sun and beach. This increase means that tourism believes 1 in 5 jobs in Spain. In the case of Galicia, the increase was 3%, with the creation of over 2,200 jobs through May.

Among the causes of this surge in demand, the report highlights the recovery of domestic tourism and a strong upturn in foreign tourism, over 10% product called “tourism borrowed” which has washed up in Spain for being our country have a safe destination to the detriment of competitors of the Mediterranean, especially Turkey. However, the average foreign tourist income continues to decline,

While employment growth tourism extends over all branches of tourism, accommodation and leisure activities they are those that reflect a greater increase in hiring (7.4% and 7.1%, respectively) according to the marked improvement of its results.

Balearic Islands, Murcia and Andalusia, between the areas of sun and beach, the Basque Country in the Green Spain and Madrid between destinations / cities indoor lead the best tourism performance in Spain in the second quarter of 2016 and are the best prospects have for this summer. Galicia also achieved positive results in the Green Spain, with a growth of 5% of revenues. As for forecasts for the summer, 55.2% of employers in the hotel accommodation industry believes that this summer will improve their occupation.

Download the full report (spanish)