Travel agencies can now access new grants to cover the costs of their premises

The deadline to apply for the 350,000 euros allocated by the Xunta to this second call for grants will be open until 11 October.


The Xunta has just launched a new call for grants to help small and medium-sized travel agencies to cover the cost of renting and maintaining their premises. The initiative presented in the offices of Viajes Ría del Burgo (Cambre) by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, together with the president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, and the president of the Galician Association of Travel Agencies, Juan Rivadulla, is endowed with 350,000 euros.


Those interested in benefiting from this aid have until 11 October to submit their applications through the form available on the website The call is aimed at travel agencies with registered offices and tax domicile in Galicia and will include expenses arising from rent or mortgage loans on the premises in which they carry out their activity. The aid will be 90 % for eligible expenditure of up to 10,000 euros and 80 % when this amount is exceeded.


From the Xunta emphasize that this second line of aid is added to the 1.2 million euros of the first call, which added to other measures also aimed at the sector raises to almost 4 million euros its economic injection made in travel agencies this year.


Nava Castro highlighted during the presentation of the initiative the key role that travel agencies play in the heart of tourism services companies and also the resilience shown during the crisis caused by the pandemic.