Termatalia was presented at the International Tourism Fair BTL in Lisbon

Termatalia was presented at the International Tourism Fair BTL in Lisbon

The Porto e Norte Tourism stand hosted the presentation at the International Tourism Fair of Portugal, the BTL of Lisbon, of the next edition of the International Fair of Thermal Tourism, Health and Wellness 2019, to be held in Ourense between 18 and 21 September. After the presentations of FITUR of Madrid and of the IBT of Berlin, Termatalia stopped in Portugal of the hand of the director of the fair, Alejandro Rubín, and the director of International Relations, Emma González, who presented the novelties of the next edition that will be celebrated Ourense.

The place chosen for this event was once again the stand of the Porto e Norte Tourism Entity, Termatalia’s main strategic partner in Portugal, in an event that was attended by important institutional representatives of the country and businessmen from the tourism sector, and in which the great values of the fair that position it at world level were once again evident.

The presentation also served to present Portuguese companies the opportunities to participate in Termatalia 2019. In this sense, meetings were held with tourism representatives from other areas of Portugal such as Termas Centro, as well as the meeting with the president of the Associaçao das Termas de Portugal, Victor Leal. Termatalia also serves as a meeting and promotion point for the main thermal destinations in Portugal, such as the Azores Islands and the institutions that promote them, such as Associaçao Termas de Portugal or Entidad Regional de Turismo Porto e Norte, all of which are regular exhibitors and collaborators of the fair. Not in vain Portugal is a country that bets for the thermalism and for its internationalization, trusting in the effect called of the “Tourism of health” and in its role as dynamizer of the internal and external tourism.