
Galician companies participate this week in the ASTA Global Convention organized by the Association of American Travel Agencies that is being held in the city of Miami. Hand in hand with the Galician Tourism Cluster and within the space reserved for Turespaña, the tour operators Rutas Magas, Pilgrim, Galiwonders, SimplyTravel Galicia, Interrías and Eatour Specialist held work meetings and professional appointments to promote the Galician destination in the American buyer and strengthen tourist ties between them, also thinking about the opportunities of Xacobeo 2021.


Galicia is present this year for the first time in the ASTA Global Convention, which is attended by more than 1,200 participants and where staff of the Xunta and members of the Galician tourism sector gave a training course on the destination Galicia to more than 150 agents.


The U.S. is already the third international market from which more travelers come, behind Portugal and Germany. Last year more than 110,000 tourists from the USA chose Galicia and so far this year tourism demand in this country is growing at a rate of 20%.

Wednesday August 28th, 2019
Convencion ASTA

Galician companies attend the ASTA Global Convention in Miami to bring the offer of our community closer to the American buyer.

Galician companies participate this week in the ASTA Global Convention organized by the Association of American Travel Agencies that is being held in the city of […]
Monday October 24th, 2016

Galician tour operators took part in a fam trip in the North of Portugal

Tourism of Porto and North of Portugal has promoted a fam trip with Galician tour operators that  allowed them to press hard relations with the neighboring country […]
Tuesday March 17th, 2015

Turexpo celebró una nueva edición de su bolsa de contratación con la presencia de 50 turoperadores de 17 países

El Salón Turístico que se celebra en Silleda del 20 al 22 de marzo acogió también actividades para el público general con degustaciones, turismo activo y […]
Thursday March 5th, 2015

Santiago de Compostela acogió este año la convención anual de Agencias Asociadas a Team Group

Algo más de 160 agencias de viaje se dieron cita en la capital gallega para un completo programa de actividades de promoción del destino Galicia y un […]