With the aim of continuing to improve the competitiveness and modernisation of the Galician companies, the Xunta de Galicia is promoting a new edition of the Responsabilízate programme, especially aimed at small and medium-sized companies which, on many occasions, are unaware of the advantages of implementing CSR in their companies. A total of 127 Galician companies participated in the first phase of this programme, 98% of which recommended participation in the initiative.

Promoted by the General Secretariat of Emprego, the Responsible Care Programme allows for the free implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility, which is now considered essential both for contracting with private clients and the public sector, as well as being a very good tool for the improvement and internal management of human resources. In the particular case of the tourism sector, the degree of impact on the environment is also taken into account, which requires special awareness and a new business management model based on responsible and sustainable management of resources.

For this reason, the concept of responsible tourism is being developed, which is one that satisfies the needs of tourists and the regions of destination, while at the same time protecting and guaranteeing the activity for the future, with the ultimate objective being the socio-economic development of society in general, so as not to have an environmental, social and economic impact on the area visited.

In this sense, the General Secretariat of Employment of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry offers Galician SMEs and self-employed persons with at least one employee the Responsible Programme, an initiative that will help them to implement CSR in their business model free of charge. Through the real accompaniment of a CSR expert tutor, the programme offers the services of diagnosis of the state and potential of CSR in companies, personalised training in CSR and accompaniment in the definition of an action plan and implementation of the first measures to be carried out.

Applications to join this program will be made through the form available on the Xunta’s website, attaching the required documentation. The admission will be published on the programme’s website.

Thursday August 16th, 2018

The deadline to participate in the Responsible Program for the implementation of CSR in Galician companies is open

With the aim of continuing to improve the competitiveness and modernisation of the Galician companies, the Xunta de Galicia is promoting a new edition of the […]
Wednesday September 14th, 2016

Xunta is promoting a program for the implementation of CSR in the Galician companies

With the aim of further promoting the implementation of CSR in the Galician business fabric, the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry has launched the Responsabilízate program, […]
Tuesday September 8th, 2015

Sustentabilidade e turismo: Compostela acolleu unha xornada para darlle visibilidade as boas prácticas de RSE

No marco do proxecto da Rede Transrexional de Impulso da RSE (REDE) a Consellería de Traballo, en colaboración con la Axencia de Turismo de Galicia e […]
Sunday September 6th, 2015

Compostela acoge un foro sobre Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en el sector turístico

Con el objetivo de contribuir a difundir e impulsar las buenas prácticas en materia de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), Turismo de Galicia y Clúster del Turismo […]