Plan de Formación

A total of 20 professionals from the sector took part in the last of the training seminars that the Tourism Cluster of Galicia has offered over the last two months under the II Training Plan. In the case of Lalín, the workshop revolved around innovation in the design of tourism products and was developed in Concello itself, which has provided its collaboration to the organizers through its Department of Tourism.
Professor Clemen Rodríguez Rodríguez, lawyer and lecturer at the Asturias University School of Tourism, is responsible for imparting this workshop, in which practically the participating professionals travel the design process of the tourist product, analyze their life cycle and Reflect on issues such as innovation, differentiation or diversification.
IFFE Business School has been in charge of organizing this second edition of the Training Plan of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, which started at the beginning of last October and will end this Friday in Santiago, after having developed more than 13 different training activities , All face-to-face and free, in the four Galician provinces. Professionals in the tourism sector, all with a managerial profile, have been able to improve through their training and learn strategies to promote the competitiveness of their companies.

Wednesday November 23rd, 2016

Lalín hosted the last of the CTG training seminars on innovation in the design of tourism products

A total of 20 professionals from the sector took part in the last of the training seminars that the Tourism Cluster of Galicia has offered over […]
Tuesday November 8th, 2016

Some thirty professionals are trained in Vigo in the use of databases in the tourism sector

Within the Training Plan promoted by the Cluster Turismo Galicia for the improvement of professional skills and training of the sector, a new workshop was held […]
Thursday November 3rd, 2016

Lugo tourism professionals learn to communicate better

Communication is a key to connect with the customer and optimize know who will have better results in your business tool, and made sure in Communication […]
Wednesday October 26th, 2016

Learn about sustainable and efficient tourism businesses

Tourism professionals in Foz attended a seminar on sustainability and efficiency in managing their framed in the free training program Cluster Tourism Galicia. Jorge Crespo Vallina, […]