
The School of Industrial Organization, in collaboration with IGAPE, has just launched a new business advisory and coworking space for those who are promoting projects related to tourism or food. Located in Vilanova de Arousa, the Coworking of Food and Tourism will accompany all those who want to undertake an activity linked to these sectors during a period of 5 months along which will evaluate your business idea while being advised And they are offered training, all with the aim of increasing their chances of success.

The call is open to entrepreneurs with a business project in early development or with a newly created company (not more than 6 months before its incorporation into the space coworking), estimating approximately 22 companies that can benefit from this initiative. For more information you can send an e-mail to ou or on the phone 986 419 922. The registration period ends on 31 August.

Thursday August 17th, 2017

The EOI and the IGAPE will mentor 22 new companies linked to tourism and gastronomy in Vilanova de Arousa

The School of Industrial Organization, in collaboration with IGAPE, has just launched a new business advisory and coworking space for those who are promoting projects related […]
Thursday August 25th, 2016

Selected the five projects that will compete for Prize Incitus 2016

The Incitus Movement has been back on track with a new edition of its mentoring program for the improvement of Galician hospitality industry. And it has […]