Promoted jointly by the Agency for Technological Modernization (AMTEGA) and the IGAPE, until the 28th of February the 3rd call for the ReaccionaTIC Aid Program was opened with the aim of facilitating the access of Galician SMEs, whatever their sector Of activity, to the services of assistance, diagnosis and support of implementation of ICT technologies.

The interested companies can request their adhesion to the program through this link, where they will be able to collect all the necessary information for their transition to the digital company and industry 4.0. To date more than 150 companies have benefited from the services offered within this plan of the Xunta de Galicia through the two previous calls.

Thursday February 16th, 2017

Third call for the ReAccionaTIC Program

Promoted jointly by the Agency for Technological Modernization (AMTEGA) and the IGAPE, until the 28th of February the 3rd call for the ReaccionaTIC Aid Program was […]
Monday November 14th, 2016

Informative meetings of the Reacciona-TIC program for Galician SMEs

Igape and AMTEGA have just opened the first call for applications for Reacciona-TIC services. Through a series of conferences held from November 15 to 25, the […]
Monday September 19th, 2016

Shikoku and Galicia close relations

A delegation of businessmen and representatives of these Japanese islands moved to our community to strengthen economic ties and work on consolidating the pilgrimage route A […]
Thursday July 21st, 2016


“Esta empresa participa no Programa Galicia Exporta Organismos Intermedios 2016 Operación cofinanciada polo Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Programa Galicia Exporta […]