Both on the Galician Tourism website and on the Cluster’s own website, the 11 manuals with recommendations for COVID 19 prepared for the various subsectors of tourism in Galicia are available to companies and professionals in the tourism sector. The brochures have been prepared by the Xunta, through the CSHG, the Sergas and the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (ISSGA), in collaboration with representatives of the sector and entities such as the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE), the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Fegamp) and specialists such as the professor and chair of Preventive Medicine and Public Health of the USC, Juan Gestal.

These publications include the main recommendations and health and hygiene safety measures established by the Ministry of Health, the recommendations drawn up by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and other advice adapted to Galician establishments, taking into account their specific features in order to facilitate their consultation by the different agents. Specifically, manuals adapted for restaurants, hotels, rural accommodation, hostels, campsites, spas, travel agencies, active tourism, golf courses, tourist guides and tourist offices have been prepared. They can be updated according to the evolution of the alarm status and the different instructions derived from the single control.

You can also download them here:

Saturday May 23rd, 2020

You can now download the recommendation manuals for the Galician tourism sector in front of the COVID 19 of the Xunta de Galicia

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