Galicia Destino Golf

Hand of Tourism of Galicia and for the second year Galicia Destino Golf Association take the Galician offer specialized this kind of sports tourism to the contest Madrid Golf Experience, the annual meeting which will bring together industry and fans of this sport that will take place from 8 to 10 April at the Center for Modernization of the Federation of Madrid.

Tourism Galicia will have an area of ​​20 square meters which will be informed of the possibilities of the Galician offer the audience, while maintaining different working meetings with specialized in golf tourism visiting this fair with which tour operators will try establish commercial relations to improve comercializiación golf tourism in Galicia. In addition, as part of the celebration of the event it will also develop the Senior tournament Couples Turgalicia. So, Galicia and Galicia Tourism Destination Golf collaborate again in the dissemination of resources and linked to sports tourism in which will not lack the overall tourist offer and the Camino de Santiago products.

Tuesday April 5th, 2016

Galicia Destino Golf will again be present at the event Madrid Golf Experience

Hand of Tourism of Galicia and for the second year Galicia Destino Golf Association take the Galician offer specialized this kind of sports tourism to the contest […]
Tuesday January 12th, 2016

El Clúster del Turismo cierra un buen 2015 con la ejecución de proyectos de promoción de Galicia por importe de más de 250.000€

La entidad que aglutina al 95% del sector hace balance positivo de un año récord en cifras de viajeros en el que ha ejecutado 13 proyectos […]
Wednesday July 22nd, 2015

Rematada a fase clasificatoria do V Circuíto de Golf Sénior Turismo de Galicia

Asturias acolleu a derradeira proba golfista de clasificación antes da final, que terá lugar no campo Oca Augas Santas Balneario Club Resort o vindeiro mes de […]
Thursday May 14th, 2015

Galicia , protagonista en la Feria Madrid Golf Experience

La presidenta de Galicia Destino Golf, Marisa Barandiarán, también participó en la presentación del I Circuito de Golf de Paradores de Galicia Las instalaciones del Parque […]