formación turística

The degree of Gastronomic Innovation and Hotel Management will be implemented at the University of Santiago with the collaboration of the sector.

The Xunta de Galicia presented the action plan 2020-2025 of the Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia with the aim of promoting a total renovation of the centre which includes, among other actions, the improvement of the training offer, the commitment to internationalisation and the implementation of actions to renovate the facilities of this centre, which this year celebrated its 25th anniversary. The new roadmap, which was presented by the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, also includes a training strategy for active professionals that encourages professional recycling and the study of new trends and a business incubator in the center to boost entrepreneurial activity and weave alliances with industry benchmarks around the world.

The head of Culture and Tourism explained that the plan has an investment of more than 5 million euros to implement actions focused on sustainability, quality and improvement of competitiveness and professionalization of the sector. In this sense, Rodriguez highlighted the implementation of the degree of Gastronomic Innovation and Hotel Management that will start in the USC in the course 2021-2022, coinciding with the celebration of Xacobeo 21 and will have the participation and involvement of the Galician Tourism Cluster and other professionals in the sector at regional, national and international levels. The implementation of this degree will culminate in 2025 when the students of the first graduating class finish their studies.

Training for active professionals
The training improvement of the CSHG will be completed with a training strategy for active professionals, already in the design phase, which will include the holding of courses, seminars, training actions or discussion forums. In fact, this same year the first language courses for professionals will be started in order to improve their training and foster their ability to work in diverse and multilingual environments. In addition, in the field of internationalisation, professional stays, exchanges and participation in different European and international projects will be promoted with the main agents, professionals and centres of reference in the sector throughout the world.

Finally, the action plan includes a modernization of its facilities and services, including a comprehensive reform of the building envelope in order to improve its energy efficiency. “We are going to progressively improve the equipment with the aim of making it a reflection of modern and sustainable tourism,” said the head of Culture and Tourism, who said that these actions will promote energy savings of almost 45,000 euros a year.


Tuesday September 24th, 2019

The CSHG faces a renewal plan amounting to more than 5 million euros to become a center of reference in tourism innovation

The degree of Gastronomic Innovation and Hotel Management will be implemented at the University of Santiago with the collaboration of the sector. The Xunta de Galicia […]
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Monday March 4th, 2019

La comarca de Ferrolterra acoge una jornada profesional orientada a mejorar la comercialización de empresas de turismo activo

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