Position Galicia as a family destination. This is the main objective of the Galicia Destino Familiar project, which has given the first steps in the end of 2016 with the creation of the web www.galiciadestinofamiliar.gal and whose main objective is the implementation of mechanisms that allow to position Galicia as a destination for Reference for family tourism. Through the adoption of a common strategy, all establishments and tourist services specialized in the family segment can be identified by the target public as hotels, restaurants, rural tourism houses, etc. Which have services, facilities and activities designed and adapted for families.

The creation of the brand Galicia Destino Familiar was born within the framework of the ideas contest of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia and is promoted by the Consortium of Entrepreneurs of Tourism of Sanxenxo (CETS), Provincial Federation of Entrepreneurs of Hospitality of Pontevedra (FEPROHOS), Center Spanish of New Professions (CENP), Fisterra Travel (Interrías), Provincial Association of Travel Agencies of Pontevedra (AVIPO) and Hotel Bahía de Vigo. Conceived as a program with different aspects, which will continue to be developed in 2017, in the first instance the creation of the brand and the web has been set in motion, as well as establishing an accreditation system aimed at enhancing the value of the family tourism offer . All companies interested in becoming part of the program can request their registration through the web. After a process of evaluation and verification that it fulfills the requirements to be part of the program, each establishment / service will be incorporated to the web and app of Galicia Destino Familiar. This will generate a network of offers around Galicia as an ideal tourist destination for the enjoyment of families, thus promoting the specialization of tourism, cooperation between different companies and entities in this segment.

The implementation of this project also seeks to build on a specific offer for families in which the seal of Galicia Destino Familiar is an endorsement for both customers and the sector, contributing to the loyalty of the target audience this project.

Wednesday December 14th, 2016

A project is under way to generate a network of establishments and services around Galicia as a family destination of quality

Position Galicia as a family destination. This is the main objective of the Galicia Destino Familiar project, which has given the first steps in the end […]
Friday September 16th, 2016

Feprohos offer a training workshop on social networks

Proper positioning on social networks plays an increasingly greater weight on the reputation of a hotel establishment or restoration. Have a good position in social networking […]
Monday April 11th, 2016

Appointment with viticulture in Vigo with Atlante Wine Forum

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Thursday February 18th, 2016

El sector turístico gallego representa ya el 11% del PIB gallego y el 12% del empleo en la comunidad

Oia acolleu a Gran Gala de Hostalaría de Pontevedra, na que estivo presentes, entre outras autoridades, a directora de Turismo de Galicia e o presidente do […]