Escuela de Negocios AFundación

With the talk “Why do we buy what we buy? How emotional overcomes the rational buying decisions” the Federation of Employers of Barbanza closed its Training Plan Barbanza 2016 held during the month of April in Padron, Noia, Riveira, Boiro, Mazaricos and Pobra do Caramiñal with aim of providing the region of Barbanza new tools and strategies to help grow their business and industrial fabric Galician tourism sector. The closing took place in the Lustres Rivas de Riveira Cultural Center on a day that was composed of the above presentation, by the director of marketing for the Business School Afundación, Francisco Alvarez Fortes, and the subsequent panel discussion around the issues raised in the paper, which besides their Alvarez Fortes, also attended by the secretary of Cluster Turismo Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal, vice president of the FEB, Javier González Trillo and secretary of mime entity, Maria Calvo.
The roundtable allowed to address specific issues such as the impact of the crisis on consumers, the impact on small businesses, the importance of branding to attract tourism, etc. In the closing ceremony of both the day and the program of training also he took part the mayor of Riveira, Manuel Ruiz Rivas and the regional deputy, Bernando Fernandez. Both policy-makers and the FEB agreed on the importance of betting on quality training as a means of improving the business sector.

Monday May 2nd, 2016

FEB closing in Riveira Training Plan in Barbanz

With the talk “Why do we buy what we buy? How emotional overcomes the rational buying decisions” the Federation of Employers of Barbanza closed its Training […]
Friday December 11th, 2015

Retos y oportunidades de las nuevas tecnologías en el sector turísticos centran la última jornada de formación del Clúster del Turismo de Galicia

Escuchar a los clientes o emplear las nuevas tecnologías de forma creativa e innovadora fueron algunas de las recomendaciones que expertos ofrecieron al sector turístico Isabel […]
Monday December 7th, 2015

Isabel Aguilera y Pablo Foncillas protagonizan la nueva jornada de formación del Clúster del Turismo de Galicia

Bajo el título “La orientación al cliente, factor estratégico clave en la competitividad del sector turístico“, el Clúster del Turismo de Galicia y la Escuela de […]
Thursday October 15th, 2015

Sanxenxo acogerá la próxima semana el último de los seminarios de formación de la Escuela de Negocios Afundación

La profesora Carmen Blanco impartirá el próximo 22 de octubre en Sanxenxo el último de los seminarios de capacitación para directivos programada por el Clúster del […]