In order to continue to invest in training as key to providing the tourism sector tools of a modern, competitive and quality industry skills, the cluster of Tourism Galicia held a meeting with the xeral assistant director of Vocational Training, Maria Eugenia Pérez, with the aim of bringing positions for the signing of a framework agreement between the two entities linked to the commitment to dual training. The purpose of this agreement would provide the possibility that those associated with the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, representing 95% of the value chain of tourism in Galicia, could sign agreements with the Department of Education to become part of the list of companies participating in the program Dual FP.
And the involvement of the business sector is vital to the progressive introduction of this new form of training, Dual FP, which combines learning in the company and the training center in order to facilitate the employment of young people, providing paid while formed in a profession practices.
In this sense, the CTG, its chairman, Francisco Gonzalez, who participated in the meeting with the xeral deputy accompanied by the Secretary of the entity, Cesáreo Pardal, explained that “professionalization is one of the most powerful tools we have in our industry to create a destination of excellence, both in the product we offer and customer treatment they dispense, and why we believe that providing a framework agreement with the Ministry of Education will be very important for companies of Galician tourism sector join this type of training. “
With dual training students can get a degree Intermediate or Higher Vocational Training or a professional certificate while working at a company through a grant or a contract for training and learning in which the parameters are set out in those who work (can not work overtime or exceed 75% of the maximum working hours scheduled in the first year, or 85% in the second and third year of training, for example)
Currently 15 schools in Galicia offer the Dual FP. According to the Ministry of Education in the 2013-2014 course more than 1,570 companies and 375 centers they have trained 9,555 students through this modality which benefit youth between 16 and 25 years.