Clúster Audiovisual Galego

An ideas competition will be launched for five projects, of which one will be selected

The Xunta de Galicia will subsidize the development of an audiovisual project in the form of a feature film or television series for the dissemination of the values of the Camino de Santiago in preparation for the celebration of the next Xacobeo. For the selection of the product, a competition of ideas will be held from which the winning project will be chosen. The process will be carried out in two phases, the first of which will finance the development of five proposals, with 15,000 euros each for the project approach. The second phase involves the selection of one of the five projects in the competition of ideas to develop a feature film of at least 90 minutes, which will receive a maximum of €1million in support, or a television series of at least 300 minutes and 6 chapters, which will receive a maximum of €1.5m.

In any case, the aid from the Xunta will not exceed 30% of the total cost of the audiovisual product and, in addition, an amount equivalent to 110% of the aid must be allocated to audiovisual production in Galicia. The projects must have a quality and timeless content in which the Camino de Santiago is an important but not necessarily main element. They must also contribute to the promotion of the cultural and scenic values of Galicia, among others, which promote the image of the Community as a destination for visitors and pilgrims, while transmitting the values of the Way, contribute to the consolidation of the Galicia brand and promote the creativity of the Galician audiovisual industry.

Among the characteristics that projects must have, we will especially appreciate the existence of a creative team (executive production, scriptwriting, direction, etc.) with a proven curriculum vitae and prestige, together with the assessment of a cast of actors who combine prestige and media profile.
On the other hand, the production companies that submit themselves to the call for proposals must have the capacity to attract other public and personal investments that allow them to achieve a medium-high budget, carry out a work of the highest quality and guarantee their promotion and distribution possibilities. A special score will be awarded for international co-production, especially with countries along the Camino.r

Thursday June 28th, 2018

The Xunta will finance an audiovisual product to promote the values of the Pilgrim’s Way to Santiago de Compostela

An ideas competition will be launched for five projects, of which one will be selected The Xunta de Galicia will subsidize the development of an audiovisual […]
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Tuesday April 14th, 2015

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