
The campaign, which invites visitors to continue discovering the Galician tourist offer, will take place in August, September and October

With the aim of improving the commercialization of Galicia’s complementary tourism offer, the second edition of the “Rural Tourism Now Also” campaign, launched by the Galega Federation of Rural Tourism (FEGATUR) and The Naviera Nabia with the support of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia with which it is sought to make known Galicia Destination and its offer of rural tourism and complementary activities.

Created within the framework of the annual contest of ideas launched by the Tourism Cluster of Galicia among its partners, the campaign seeks to continue generating synergies between the different companies in the sector with the final objective of improving the backetization and marketing capacity of Galician tourism. Another of its objectives is the incorporation of the new technologies in this marketing process, through in this case of the empowerment of the web as a window of promotion and commercialization of the Galician rural tourism.

According to the president of FEGATUR, Cesareo Pardal, the campaign will run from August 1 to October 27, “to capture the interest of national and international tourism that visits during the summer our territory, either as users of the shipping company or As well as rural tourism clients.All of them, supported by an internet campaign and social networks, will host a series of weekly promotions, among which rural tourism stays and boat tickets will be held during the off-season, encouraging the deseasonalisation. “

Continuity of campaign
“Many of our homes are indoors and we think the combination Rural tourism that travels to the National Park das Illas Atlánticas can be very attractive for a joint tourist package, “said the president of Fegatur, Cesareo Pardal, who stressed that” with this campaign we intend to give continuity to the initiative we started last year With good results, offering information on the complementary offer to the thousands of tourists who visit our territory every summer. “In fact, the campaign has expanded in duration compared to last year, which was developed exclusively during the month of September .

With the continuity of this campaign started last year, Fegatur, Naviera Nabia and the Tourism Cluster of Galicia seek to continue the tourist promotion of Destino Galicia and continue to foster collaboration and generation of synergies among the partners of the same value chain.

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