Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

With the goal of creating an European Cultural Itinerary that includes the various galician Cistercian monasteries -there are 15 in Galicia-, the Association of Cistercian Monasteries in Galicia (ACIGAL) has just taken a step forward in the task of commissioning value of these buildings that add up to 200 throughout Europe. In the association already 8 of the 15 Galician monasteries: Melon, A Franqueira, Aciveiro, Meira, Monfero, Montederramo, Xunqueira de Espadañedo and Oia, which would be completed with the monasteries of Sobrado dos Monxes, Toxosoutos, Penamaior, Ferreira de Panton , Oseira, San Clodio and Armenteira.

The even attempt initiative become a dynamic tourism element in areas where most of these monasteries, rural enclaves are placed with high net worth but punished by the abandonment of the population and the absence of local economic initiatives. Its aim, therefore, is to bring together representatives of the 15 Galician to unify actions aimed at the promotion, protection and enhancement of the Cistercian heritage, especially through the European Cultural Route monasteries, and with the support of the European Charter Cistercian Abbeys. With this route, which could be ready to finles year, it aims to revive local economies and involve the local population in the project, as companions or visitor guides. The route, which trascurriría by 15 Galician monasteries can be done either by using free mobile applications for use “in itinere” or organized packages that include overnight stays and other tourist attractions.

European cultural routes

The Director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, who took part in the presentation of the initiative ACIGAL, extolled the heritage and artistic value of the Galician monasteries as facilitators of ls local economies and avogó by a public-private partnership for the promotion of these collaboration initiatives that are part of the commitment to innovative and multiexperienciales tourism products. In this regard it is recalled that Turismo de Galicia and drives four European cultural routes: El Camino de Santiago, the first to obtain this accreditation, the Ways of the Vine, the Viking Trail and Termal Cities, all differential tourism products that feature an important cultural and historical and contribute to the differentiation of Galician tourism recognition.

Monday May 30th, 2016

Cistercian monasteries Galicians work for building their own European cultural route

With the goal of creating an European Cultural Itinerary that includes the various galician Cistercian monasteries -there are 15 in Galicia-, the Association of Cistercian Monasteries […]
Thursday May 26th, 2016

150,000 euros for advocacy and improved communication Arousa Norte Destination

Tourism Galicia will allocate a total of 150,000 euros for the momentum in promoting the Mancomunidad de Arousa Norte, especially with regards to new technologies as an […]
Tuesday May 24th, 2016

Nunez Feijoo emphasis the weight of tourism in the whole of the Galician economy as “one of the basic pillars of business building of Galicia”

The president of the Xunta closed the ceremony Q Quality.  Galicia achieved 274 distinctions, six more than last year “You are the best reflection of Galicia”, […]
Monday May 23rd, 2016

The route goes into operation “Atlantic Islands and fishing villages”, the second of coastal cruises Galicia

In order to continue attracting new tourist flows these days put into operation the second mini coastal cruises that will improve the Galician nautical offer and […]