Agencias de Viajes

Experiences will be promoted in strategic areas to diversify tourist activity such as the Ribeira Sacra, the Costa da Morte or the Caminos de Santiago

The agencies will offer discounts of up to 10% to individuals who have contracted a package outside Galicia and decide to redirect it to the Community

The Association of Travel Agencies of Galicia (AGAVI) and the Association of Incoming Tour Operators of Galicia (ATREGA) have signed a collaboration agreement with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for 500,000 euros to combat the economic effects of the covid-19 in the tourism sector by encouraging consumption with new initiatives to facilitate travel in the Community.

The aim of this agreement is to reactivate this sub-sector of tourism and avoid the cancellation of tourist packages by users, offering discounts of up to 10% to those individuals who contracted a package to travel outside Galicia at a date after the declaration of the state of alarm and now decide to change it for an experience in the interior of Galicia. Consolidated products such as the Gastronomic Autumn, experiences in spas, wine tourism routes or participation in Elige Galicia, the initiative launched by the Xunta to promote domestic tourism out of season, will be given priority.

As explained by the head of Culture and Tourism of the Xunta, Román Rodríguez, the collaboration with AGAVI, which amounts to 300,000 euros, will also allow families to travel around Galicia and learn about its resources. In this way, new products and experiences will be created for this market, giving them facilities for financing, as they will be able to pay in instalments within a period of between six and 12 months without additional cost.

Experiences linked to Xacobeo 2021
In the case of collaboration with tour operators, through ATREGA, the amount is 200,000 euros and the agreement includes the launch of new tourism products linked to Xacobeo 2021. Priority will be given to strategic areas that allow the diversification of tourist activity in Galicia, such as the Ribeira Sacra, the Mariña Lucense, the Costa da Morte or the different itineraries of the Caminos de Santiago. In this sense, experiences will be created for groups, break programs and initiatives that unite enogastronomy, thermalism and activities in the rural environment and cultural heritage.

Wednesday July 8th, 2020

Travel agencies and tour operators will promote local tourism under two agreements signed with the Xunta for half a million euros

Experiences will be promoted in strategic areas to diversify tourist activity such as the Ribeira Sacra, the Costa da Morte or the Caminos de Santiago The […]
Wednesday June 17th, 2020

Green light for 12 agreements with the Galician tourism sector that represent an investment of 1.8 million euros for the creation and adaptation of products and experiences

The agreements are part of the Galicia, Safe Destination programme and have been signed with various associations and bodies representing the Galician tourism sector, including members […]
Saturday May 23rd, 2020

You can now download the recommendation manuals for the Galician tourism sector in front of the COVID 19 of the Xunta de Galicia

Both on the Galician Tourism website and on the Cluster’s own website, the 11 manuals with recommendations for COVID 19 prepared for the various subsectors of […]
Wednesday April 1st, 2020
aeropuerto viajeros

Consumption accepts the request of travel agencies and allows the issuance of vouchers instead of reimbursements

The Council of Ministers this week approved an amendment to the package travel rules that gives travel agents a lifeline. Thanks to the relaxation of the […]