The Consellería de Sanidade has removed the community of Catalonia from the list of Spanish regions whose travelers must register on a mandatory basis upon arrival in Galician territory, as stated in a resolution published in the Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) of 19.08.2020. This means that visitors from that region are no longer obliged to register on arrival in the Galician region within a maximum of 24 hours.
However, registration is still compulsory for people coming from Madrid, Aragon, Navarre and the Basque Country. Likewise, travellers coming from any African country, and those arriving from certain countries on the American continent, including Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela or the United States, must complete this registration.
In the list updated by Sanidade, some European countries, such as Andorra, Belgium, Croatia or Russia, have been eliminated, but the obligation to register remains for visitors coming from Azerbaijan, the Faroe Islands and Kosovo. Similarly, people arriving in Galicia who have been in the previous weeks in certain Asian countries, such as India, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, the Philippines, Syria, Thailand or Vietnam, among others, must register.