Presented in Fitur a new volume of the tourist-gastronomic guide … and eat, Lugo

Under the title Lugo, ¿te gusta?, the Apehl returned to Fitur to present the new guide to the collection …E para comer, Lugo, one of the key initiatives of the Association for the promotion of the province as a whole as a tourist and gastronomic destination.

This year’s main objective is to present the user with a series of proposals to get to know the province in an escape. The idea is that in each trip we propose to the visitor three destinations in the geography of Lugo. Divided the province in three great parts, north, center and south, each proposal appeals to three localities, one of each one of these areas. All combined with the recommendations of the products of our land and the events of the popular culture and gastronomy of our municipalities.

The novelty of this year responds to the landing of the brand …And to eat, Lugo in Instagram as a new channel of communication for the promotion of the province of Lugo. With a circulation of 15,000 copies, the publication is distributed in tourist offices, hostels, sector fairs, hotels and other hotel establishments associated with the Apehl, as well as in all stages of the Tour of Spain, in addition to having the digital edition on the web

The online guide, click here:
https:// issuu. com/hombre/ published/ guia_ aphel_2019_ lr_ senmarcas