Galician presence on the Executive Committee of the State Network of Intelligent Tourist Destinations

Galician presence on the Executive Committee of the State Network of Intelligent Tourist Destinations

After its recent constitution and implementation, the State Network of Intelligent Tourist Destinations now has its governing bodies: the plenary commission and the executive commission. In the case of the latter has been formed with Galician participation because, in addition to the presidency, in charge of the State Secretariat of Tourism, and 3 vice-presidencies, Segittur, FEMP and, the executive committee of the Network has been constituted by nine members corresponding to nine destinations including one Galician, Pontevedra, along with Benidorm, Calvià, Donostia, Arona, Palencia, Avilés, Santander and San Bartolomé de Tirajana.

Several institutional members have joined the DTI Network, of which nearly 70 destinations form part: FEMP,, the Spanish Association for Standardisation, UNE; the Spanish Confederation of Hotels (CEHAT), the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality (ICTE); and the associations AMETIC and CONECTIC. The Provincial Council of Pontevedra is the only Galician entity that forms part of the executive committee of the DTI Network, which officially began its journey after the constitution of the committee and the signing of the protocols for participation, support and promotion of the network, as well as the constitution of the commissions, made up of 60 destinations throughout Spain among which are also the Provincial Council of Ourense and the Mancomunidad de Salnés-Sanxenxo.

One of the Commission’s objectives is to coordinate intelligent tourist destinations with Segittur and, and to launch information and advice services for intelligent tourist destinations on European aid and funds. Among its lines of action for the current course, the Commission will hold the second meeting of the working group of DTI managers and will launch the support tools for the network, specifically the portal of intelligent tourist destinations, CRM and a self-diagnosis tool. In addition, the DTI Network Executive Committee will initiate action plans for new intelligent tourist destinations, collaborate with the 3rd World Congress of Intelligent Tourist Destinations and present a work programme of the Network.

The DTI Network will be in charge of defining the tourism model of the future, promoting a new reference framework based on innovation, knowledge and technology to build innovative tourist spaces, on an avant-garde infrastructure that guarantees the sustainable development of the territory, accessibility, interaction and integration of the visitor with the environment, as well as improving the quality of life of people living in the destinations.