Tuesday August 1st, 2023

The Cluster maintains its free consultancy service active for obtaining or maintaining the Q for Quality and the S for Sustainability of tourist organizations

Companies interested in the service can receive more information by email at or by calling 881 24 74 36.   The Galician Tourism Cluster, within […]
Wednesday July 26th, 2023

The Xunta summons the aid DeseñaPeme and InnovaPeme 2023

Aimed at financing activities in design plans for innovation and sustainability, and in innovation plans and organization processes for the systematization and internationalization of the company’s […]
Wednesday July 26th, 2023

Mar de Amicos, an inclusive tourism initiative around the maritime heritage of Barbanza

Thanks to this initiative, seven people with functional diversity will act as tourist guides this summer. The project was born as a result of the collaboration […]
Wednesday July 26th, 2023

The Xunta offers 350 guided routes to visit the National Park of the Atlantic Islands between July and September

Registration can be done in advance on the website of the reservation center or in person at the Cíes and Ons information stands on the day […]
Wednesday July 26th, 2023

The Galician Tourism Cluster will promote the Galicia Sustainable Destination brand in the North American market

The Cluster, with the collaboration of Turespaña and Expedia, will bring Galician sustainable experiences closer to the United States.   The Galician Tourism Cluster will participate […]
Wednesday July 19th, 2023

The creation of the Xacobeo Xove voucher, the reinforcement of promotional and internationalization activities and the consolidation of different tourist products focused the activity of the Cluster in the last year

The annual Assembly of the Galician Tourism Cluster, held in Santiago, took stock of the actions carried out in 2022 and gave an account of those […]
Enoturismo Galicia

La voz del turismo

El Clúster Turismo de Galicia es una agrupación de empresas vinculadas por una misma cadena de valor e que desarrollan sus actividades en un espacio geográfico concreto, Galicia, en torno al sector turístico, ya sea como actividad principal o complementaria.
Su objetivo es constituirse en la Voz del Turismo, vertebrando una oferta tan rica y diversa como la gallega y promoviendo actividades de colaboración que permitan mejorar la competitividad, la innovación y la internacionalización de este sector.




app-cartel galicia destino familiar

Disfruta Galicia en Familia

Galicia Destino Familiar es una iniciativa del Clúster de Turismo de Galicia que tiene como principal objetivo posicionar Galicia como el mejor destino para los viajes en familia. Se trata de dar visibilidad a los establecemientos gallegos especializados en el segmento familiar: alojamientos, restaurantes, etc., que disponen de instalaciones, actividades u otros servicios adaptados y pensados para familias. Descubre con Galicia Destino Familiar el viaje soñado para ti y los tuyos.

galicia destino familiar

Puedes descargarte la aplicación en Google Play o en AppleStore


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