Wednesday July 3rd, 2019

The Galician Tourism Cluster will promote with its associates 5 projects of promotion of destination for a value of more than 130 thousand euros.

The entity is already in the phase of bidding and implementation of proposals, which were approved at the last General Assembly Within the framework of the […]
Tuesday July 2nd, 2019

82% of homes for tourist use in Galicia are owned by a single owner who sells only one property

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism took stock of the evolution of this type of accommodation in Galicia since its regulation. The Xunta notes that this […]
Monday July 1st, 2019

The Galician tourism sector advances good forecasts for the summer season that could be around 60% average occupancy

Professionals in the sector are cautious to anticipate occupancy figures, as a result of the change in the paradigms of hiring travelers but await a summer […]
Friday June 28th, 2019

The Galician Tourism Cluster approves for the first time membership fees and an annual budget of almost 950 thousand euros

In addition to reporting on last year’s actions, the CTG’s highest body ratified the incorporation of eight new members. The Cluster Tourism of Galicia celebrated with […]
Thursday June 27th, 2019

Galicia improves competitiveness and growth with good results accumulated in the first five months of the year in travelers and hotel overnight stays

With Murcia, it was the territory with the best results in the month of May, with growth above the average for Spain as a whole. For […]
Wednesday June 26th, 2019

The brand Fest Galicia adds this year twelve festivals under the slogan “Festivais que fan Camiño”.

Cantos na Maré and Caudal Fest join PortAmérica, Resurrection Fest, 17º Ribeira Sacra, Vive Nigrán, Sinsal, Atlantic Fest, SonRías Baixas, Revenidas, Festival de la Luz and […]
Enoturismo Galicia

La voz del turismo

El Clúster Turismo de Galicia es una agrupación de empresas vinculadas por una misma cadena de valor e que desarrollan sus actividades en un espacio geográfico concreto, Galicia, en torno al sector turístico, ya sea como actividad principal o complementaria.
Su objetivo es constituirse en la Voz del Turismo, vertebrando una oferta tan rica y diversa como la gallega y promoviendo actividades de colaboración que permitan mejorar la competitividad, la innovación y la internacionalización de este sector.




app-cartel galicia destino familiar

Disfruta Galicia en Familia

Galicia Destino Familiar es una iniciativa del Clúster de Turismo de Galicia que tiene como principal objetivo posicionar Galicia como el mejor destino para los viajes en familia. Se trata de dar visibilidad a los establecemientos gallegos especializados en el segmento familiar: alojamientos, restaurantes, etc., que disponen de instalaciones, actividades u otros servicios adaptados y pensados para familias. Descubre con Galicia Destino Familiar el viaje soñado para ti y los tuyos.

galicia destino familiar

Puedes descargarte la aplicación en Google Play o en AppleStore


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