During 2024, the Xunta de Galicia will focus on improving the energy efficiency of the public network of hostels on the Camino de Santiago with an investment of more than €1M, within the annual planning of Tourism of Galicia for the maintenance and conservation of public hostels of the network.
Specifically, improvement activities will be carried out in a total of 34 hostels on 7 itineraries: 14 on the French Way, 5 on The Fisterra and Muxía Way, 5 on the Vía de la Plata (The Silver Way) or Camino Mozárabe, 4 on The Portuguese Way and The Portuguese Way of the coast, 3 on The English Way and 2 of The Northern Way.
Among the actions, it is planned to carry out work inside and outside the hostels: painting, improving insulation, correcting humidity, replacing tiling, installing accessible bathrooms and, above all, improving energy efficiency with the installation of panels photovoltaics to reduce energy consumption.