The industry of the communication leads the unique day to strengthen and to bet for the brand Galicia as tourist destination


The industry of the communication leads the unique day to strengthen and to bet for the brand Galicia as tourist destination

The Association of Executives of Communication in Galicia, Dircom Galicia, has been the person in charge of the definition of a session of work that ABC has congregated to experts in communication, marketing, advertising and journalists of the principal companies in Galicia and means as Estrella Galicia, Natural Gas Fenosa, The Cut Englishman(English), Frinsa, Coca Cola the CRTVG, Galicia or The Voice of Galicia. The day, That é for you Galicia?, organized as a whole with the Cluster Turismo of Galicia has possessed also the collaboration of Markea and Creatividade Galega.

Sanxenxo’s Royal Nautical Club has been the place chosen for this day of work that places in the participative process that the Clúster Turismo of Galicia is coliderando with Tourism of Galicia, for the elaboration of the Strategy of Tourism of Galicia 2017-2020.

To know the experts’ vision in the definition of the values that differentiate Galicia and position her as tourist destination and to raise how to work to create brand Galicia, they have been two of the principal aims chased in this day that will allow to help to the roadmap that will plan the lines of work to continue in the tourist Galician sector in next four years.

Between(Among) the principal extracted conclusions, which will be formalized in a document elaborated by Dircom in order that the Cluster Turismo of Galicia incorporates to the Strategic Plan of Tourism of Galicia 2020, the experts have revealed the need to define the only positioning, and this it is that of the quality. Galicia must be unique and to bet for her aspects diferenciadores, must be a multiproduct but with the only  brand.

Valor, emotions, digitalization and professionalization are some of the necessary steps to create brand and to bet for the development of Galicia. A territory with a varied and wide offer, but that must join to be strong and to report towards the same aim that should allow to create a real brand country.