Galicia at the wheel and Galicia Surfing, the new tourism products promoted by the Xunta that come to join the tourist trains and coastal minicruises

Galicia at the wheel and Galicia Surfing, the new tourism products promoted by the Xunta that come to join the tourist trains and coastal minicruises

Within the framework of the presentations at the stand in Galicia there has also been space for some of the initiatives in which Turismo de Galicia is betting for 2018: Galicia Surfing, tourist trains, nautical tourism and Galicia at the wheel. Of these, tourist trains and nautical tourism proposals are a continuation of the programmes initiated in past years. In the case of tourist trains, for example, the director of Tourism of Galicia, recalled the great success they have reaped in the 2017 edition, with an average occupancy of 87% and even greater, as there were trains that sold out. Among the novelties for this edition, Nava Castro two new itineraries for 2018, the Ruta dos Mosteiros and the Ruta da Ribeira Sacra do Miño. The Xunta points out that the new routes presented “bring together important attractions”, as they incorporate into the programme of visits “emblematic spaces of Galician heritage”, such as the pazo de Oca, the monasteries of Carboeiro and Oseira or the temple of Veracruz (O Carballiño). In this sense, the Galician Government has explained that the four of them will form part of the Ruta dos Mosteiros, which “will also stop at a spa”. In this way, the Pazo de Oca joins the Ruta Ourense Termal and Versalles Galego, and “will experience improvements”. On the other hand, the Xunta pointed out that the Route of Ribeira Sacra do Miño will pass through the municipalities of Monforte de Lemos or Chantada, in addition to having a catamaran ride along the river Miño, the wineries and the visit to the Ecomuseum of Arxeriz, in Saviñao. Also, another of the “most outstanding aspects” of the next edition of tourist trains will be the incorporation of “dramatization” in the various routes, by actors “characterized as historical characters”, who will make “surprise appearances” during the tours.

During the presentation Nava Castro also anticipated the anticipation of maintaining the Pilgrim Train, between Madrid and Santiago de Compostela, through the Portuguese Way and the renovation of the Galician Rail Pass, with “very cheap” prices so that visitors “travel by train Galicia as many times as they want” over three days.

Nautical tourism
The strategy to promote nautical sports also had its place at the stand in Galicia with the participation of Portos de Galicia, which advanced as objectives for 2018 the loyalty of customers and strengthening of open commercial relations in European markets. The president of Portos de Galicia, José Juan Durán, highlighted the importance of “Galicia becoming a fixed stopover on the navigation routes of European travellers to the south”.

With these challenges, Durán highlighted the participation of Tourism of Galicia in the main sectorial events in several European countries such as United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany and Portugal and advanced the continuity to the Coastal Cruises program, within the framework of Ecodestin, which allows to establish navigation routes for passengers through the interior of the Galician estuaries.

25 driving routes through the best Galician landscapes

Among the novelties that Turismo de Galicia brought to Fitur for this year are two new products, Galicia Surfing and Escenarios al Volante. The latter proposes 25 unusual routes through Galicia and 50 viewpoints that add up to more than 900 km and 110 municipalities through a guide published in Galician, Spanish and English, which will allow you to discover the green and inland Galicia and the coastal blue.

Scenarios at the wheel is preceded by an important fieldwork, with the collaboration of local councils, technical assistance from the Fundación Galicia Sostenible and cartographic support from the Instituto de Estudios del Territorio. The result is a publication that aims to collect the itineraries with greater landscape interest and those viewpoints that offer the best points of observation.