Family cooking course in Lugo

With the aim of offering a family activity that can be carried out on Christmas dates, the Provincial Association of Hospitality of Lugo (Apehl) organizes the “Cooking in Family” course, aimed at adults and children under 16, Which will be held from 26 to 28 December.

Taught by the cook and owner of the Arrocería Os Cachivaches, Alejandro Méndez, the course will last two days, for three hours each day, from 18.30 to 21.30 hours. In total 6 hours that will allow those interested to enjoy a different activity, approaching Christmas from the kitchen.

The price for the adult plus the child under 16 is 90 euros, while if you attend smaller condos the price will be 100 euros. The APEHL members have a discount of 15%. The deadline to formalize the registration is open on the phone 982 226 912.