



Razón social: Asociación Clúster Empresarial de Turismo de Galicia (CTG).

Enderezo: Edificio Centro Emprendimento (Coworking), Cidade da Cultura de Galicia.
Monte Gaiás s/n. 15707, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)

NIF: G70377338

Teléfno: 881247436

Correo electrónico: secretariatecnica@clusterturismogalicia.com

Wednesday June 19th, 2024

Amendments to the specification: Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRADE MISSION TO THE 2024 MAST SALES SENSATION IN CHICAGO”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 3 july 2024 Download the sheets
Tuesday June 18th, 2024

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRADE MISSION TO THE 2024 MAST SALES SENSATION IN CHICAGO”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 3 july 2024 Download the sheets
Thursday May 16th, 2024

CORRECTION OF ERRORS: Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRADE MISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL FAIR WTM LONDON 2024”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 22 Mai 2024 Download the sheets
Tuesday May 7th, 2024

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION OF THE TRADE MISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL FAIR WTM LONDON 2024”, with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 22 Mai 2024 Download the sheets
Tuesday May 7th, 2024

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “IMPROVEMENT AND SUPPORT FOR THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM PRODUCTS THROUGH BY ORGANIZING A FAM TRIP AND A PRESS TRIP AS PART OF GALICIA DESTINO SOSTIBLE” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 22 Mai 2024 Download the sheets
Monday April 1st, 2024

Specifications governing the contracting of a service for the “LAUNCHING OF A PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE FINAL PUBLIC OF THE GALICIA DESTINO SOSTIBLE PRODUCT CLUB” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Open deadline for applications until 16 April 2024 Download the sheets
Friday February 9th, 2024

Specifications governing the contracting of a service for the “ORGANISATION OF TWO WORKSHOPS WITH PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES IN SEVILLE AND LISBON” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Open deadline for applications until 25 February 2024 Download the sheets
Thursday December 21st, 2023

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION FOR THE TRADE MISSION TO THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE FAIR ITB BERLIN 2023” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 5 Januay 2024 Download the sheets
Thursday August 24th, 2023

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “TRAVEL AND ACCOMMODATION FOR THE TRADE MISSION TO THE WORKSHOP IN CHICAGO, HELD AS PART OF A PRESENTATION OF GALICIA” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 8 September 2023 Download the sheets
Thursday August 24th, 2023

Terms and conditions governing the contracting of a service of “LAUNCHING OF A PROMOTIONAL CAMPAIGN FOR THE GALICIA DESTINO SOSTIBLE PRODUCT CLUB” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia de Turismo de Galicia

Open deadline for applications until 8 September 2023 Download the sheets