Small and medium-sized businesses in the tourism sector will be able to benefit from the line of aid published by the Xunta de Galicia to carry out actions to improve infrastructure and tourist accommodation establishments. The amount of aid may be up to 35% of the total investment, with a maximum of 35,000 euros of investment. The objective of this aid line, published in the Official Gazette of Galicia on 2 January 2018, establishes the following concepts as the object of aid:

Improving accessibility conditions
Improvement of the facilities with a view to obtaining quality certificates
Increased category of establishment
Fostering sustainability through the implementation of energy saving measures
Modernization of installations and beautification of the environment
Furniture renovation

The requirements for obtaining the aid, called in competitive competition, are to be an SME and be registered in the Rexistro de Empresas e Actividades Turísticas da Xunta de Galicia (REAT) with an antiquity of at least five years.

The deadline for submitting applications is open until 23 February. The attached document contains a summary of the main features of the aid. You can obtain more information in the official website of the Galician Tourism Agency:, or in the telephones 981 54 63 63 and 981 54 63 64 and in the mail

Consult the summary of the grants awarded

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