Q de Calidad

A total of 43 companies of Sanxenxo received their distinctive SICTED, 17 of them for the first time, which accredits this pontevedrés concello as the Galician town as biggest winners of the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality, 113 in total, in addition to 35 certified with the Q Quality companies. In addition, the concello has started delivering its own awards for tourism quality, “Sanxenxo, Quality Tourism”, which yesterday received for the first five local companies. So, the hotel Carlos I Silgar Accommodation category; A Ponte confectionery in the category Trade; Carmen restaurant, in the category Restoration; Adega dos Eidos, in the category of Travel Services and the driver Otilio Prieto, in the category Taxis are selected to receive these local awards companies that last year the Bureau of Tourist Quality Sanxenxo decided to create to highlight the good work done by local establishments.

The delivery of these awards was held at the Nauta room Concello of Sanxenxo in a ceremony that was attended, in addition to companies and authorities local, Isabel Borrego, Secretary of Tourism in the Government, Nava Castro, director Tourism Agency of the Regional Government; Hector Santos, deputy chairman of Tourism and the Tourism Cluster and CETS, Francisco González.

The SICTED is a project of the Spanish Institute for Quality Tourism focused on comprehensive awareness of the destination and to identify common objectives for all stakeholders in the destination, with the aim of achieving a uniform level of quality and service excellence for tourists, and this distitntivo the certificate attesting optimization service provided and the solvent destination management.

Tuesday April 12th, 2016

New distinctions SICTED for Sanxenxo, who also gave their own awards for Quality

A total of 43 companies of Sanxenxo received their distinctive SICTED, 17 of them for the first time, which accredits this pontevedrés concello as the Galician […]
Wednesday April 6th, 2016

Open the annual call for aid for achieving or renewing Q Quality

Granted on a competitive basis, the game becomes endowed with 90,000 euros Tourism Galicia has announced the call for the line of annual subsidies for the […]
Sunday January 18th, 2015

Q de Calidad

Galicia es Calidad. Bajo esta premisa el sector turístico gallego trabaja de la mano de las administraciones públicas en la creación de un destino turístico de […]