Associations of private shelters denounce malpractice and unfair competition in the Camino de Santiago


Associations of private shelters denounce malpractice and unfair competition in the Camino de Santiago

The associations Association Galega of Private Pensions (Agalber), Solpor Association and the Spanish Network of Private hostels have signed the manifesto “Together on the Way” in denouncing malpractices and unfair competition in shelters Camino de Santiago, a situation that It puts at risk the image of Xacobeo Route and impairs the supply of services they access pilgrims.

These partnerships demonstrate the existence of shelters “pirate” who “are detrimental to the Social Offer of hostels and against the spirit of the Way, and a satisfying experience by pilgrims, and is unsupportive from the point of view social “they say.

It is, they say, practice is necessary to report to facilitate inspections in those places where these activities illegally or unfairly develop, since they operate covertly through the rental of inadequate premises without being given high properly. Also they belong to this group those renting empty apartments for single, against the provisions of the law and opaquely before the tax authorities.

As recorded by the manifesto signed by these associations, which positively value the work that historically have conducted by associations and public administrations that have met the needs of the pilgrims when no offer enough accommodation but “it is time to make way the existing offer today for society, remaining the administration in the function of keeping open all roads to Santiago, and at all times of the year, “say, so urge municipalities through which it passes the Way not intended for halls or sports facilities for the accommodation of pilgrims, which sometimes prevents neighbors and enjoy these facilities without proper health checks.

Both Agalber and the rest of the signatory associations also ensure that its actions are those of permancer vigilant to ensure the quality and legality of the Social Offer Hostels Camino de Santiago, to maintain their standard of quality, while it is working on its improvement.