The Galician tourism sector closes the summer with an occupancy level of 80% and an average stay of five nights.

The Galician tourism sector closes the summer with an occupancy level of 80% and an average stay of five nights.

  • This percentage exceeded 95% in some areas and on specific dates.
  • The majority tourist profile is that of national origin, but the increase in international travelers stands out, which represented 23% of the total.
  • The good performance of rural tourism and the attractiveness of the Camino de Santiago stand out.

The Galician tourism sector closes the summer with an occupancy level of 80%, which in some areas and, at specific times, reaches 95%. The forecasts that were made at the beginning of the season are thus fulfilled and thanks, in large part, to the improvement in the weather in the month of August, after a month of July in which bad weather had an impact on cancellations and a drop in prices. last minute reservations. These are data from the survey carried out by the Galician Tourism Cluster this week, in which the sources consulted also point to an average stay of five nights.


Professionals in the sector also highlight the growth of international tourists, which reaches a percentage of 23%, although the majority profile at this time continues to be that of the national traveler, which represents 75% of the total.


The sector agrees on the good performance of rural tourism, especially in the month of August, in which some establishments hung the sign full. The Camino de Santiago continues to be one of the main attractions for visiting Galicia, especially for foreign tourists. The United States, Italy, Germany and Portugal are the main sources of pilgrims internationally and Andalusia, Madrid and the Valencian Community at the national level.



Regarding prices, during the month of August, 5-star hotels were the ones that registered the highest prices, exceeding 240 euros at specific times; 4-star hotels reached maximum prices of 150 euros per night, while one-star hotels were close to 70 euros.


In pensions, 3-star pensions are the ones with the highest prices, between 75 and 95 euros, while the average costs per night were between 60 and 75 euros for 1 and 2-star pensions. In the campsites, the cost per night was around 40 euros for the first category, and the second category varied between 70 and 270 euros.


In the case of hostels, depending on the category, the lowest prices were around 16 euros, with peaks of up to 76 euros. In rural tourism, the figures ranged between 40 and 100 euros for most establishments, although on specific dates and certain types of establishments such as rectors, prices increased to 250 euros.


Forecasts by area

Regarding the balance by area, the hotels in the city of A Coruña put occupancy at 85% in July and 92% in the month of August, exceeding last summer’s data, thanks above all to the success of the events. and concerts that took place in the city throughout the summer. International tourism also registered notable growth, especially from France.


On the Costa da Morte, occupancy figures remained around 80% with a growth in international tourists, especially those from Italy and Korea, which can reach around 20%.  Positive data was also achieved for the Fisterra-Muxía Route, maintaining the growing trend of this Xacobea Route in recent years.


In Santiago de Compostela, the sources consulted indicate an occupancy level of over 80%, in addition to a slight growth in international tourists, especially those from the United States and Germany.


In Ferrol and the region, occupancy reached 80% in the month of July and 95% in August. In this area the main market is the national one, although the international market experienced slight growth, with a growing presence of the English Way and surf tourism.


In Sanxenxo, the sources consulted indicate that in the month of August they practically hung the sign full and highlighted the growth of international tourists, especially those from Portugal. In addition, they foresee a good month of September, since they are seeing a good rate of reservations, especially during the first fortnight. In the province of Ourense, occupancy reached the expected 85%; In addition, last year’s visitor numbers were exceeded. Looking ahead to September, positive data on occupancy and visits are also expected.


In Ribeira Sacra, occupancy reached an average percentage of 81%, with peaks of up to 93% in the month of August. Although tourism continues to be mostly national, international tourism is growing compared to the previous year, especially from France and Portugal.