More than 1 M€ for improvements in energy efficiency in the public network of shelters on the Camino de Santiago

More than 1 M€ for improvements in energy efficiency in the public network of shelters on the Camino de Santiago

  • The Xunta promotes these actions that include installation work on photovoltaic panels in 34 hostels.
  • Improvements to exterior insulation, repair and replacement of elements related to accessibility will also be carried out.

During 2024, the Xunta de Galicia will focus on improving the energy efficiency of the public network of hostels on the Camino de Santiago with an investment of more than €1M, within the annual planning of Tourism of Galicia for the maintenance and conservation of public hostels of the network.


Specifically, improvement activities will be carried out in a total of 34 hostels on 7 itineraries: 14 on the French Way, 5 on The Fisterra and Muxía Way, 5 on the Vía de la Plata (The Silver Way) or Camino Mozárabe, 4 on The Portuguese Way and The Portuguese Way of the coast, 3 on The English Way and 2 of The Northern Way.


Among the actions, it is planned to carry out work inside and outside the hostels: painting, improving insulation, correcting humidity, replacing tiling, installing accessible bathrooms and, above all, improving energy efficiency with the installation of panels photovoltaics to reduce energy consumption.