Xantar, the International Gastronomic Tourism Show, continues to strengthen ties with the north of Portugal, which represents one of the most active destinations in the project and a strategic partner of the event to be held in Expourense on February 6, 2019. The director of international relations of Expourense, Emma González, participated in the inauguration of the 5th Gastronomic Festival of Espadarte that started in Vila Praia de Áncora, together with the mayor of the Municipality of Caminha, Miguel Alves, the president of the Porto e Norte Tourism Entity, Melchior Moreira and the organizer of the event, Antonio Cunha. Expourense and Xantar have been representing Galicia for five consecutive years in this Festival that is held every year and will run until August 19 in Vila Praia de Âncora.
All of them agreed in highlighting the tourist strength of the North of Portugal, especially thanks to the arrival of pilgrims who travel the Portuguese Way along the Coast. Overall, this territory continues to grow the most in overnight stays, the result of a cooperative effort both with the municipalities and with other entities such as Expourense. This is already Expourense’s second performance in the neighbouring country, during the month of August, after it took part in the official opening of the 16th edition of the “Feira da Terra” in Mondim de Basto, which was presided over by the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Food of the Portuguese Government, Luis Medeiros.