Third edition of the Astrotrevinca days to bring astronomy to the general public

From 2 to 4 September the ourensano municipality of A Veiga held the third edition of the Astrotrevinca days, with the aim of bringing astronomy to all audiences. A Veiga, Destination StarLight of Galicia along with the Cies Islands, is one of the best points for observations of this type so, this time, the conference program will include both conferences with experts to discuss the observation of stars and the latest developments in this field, such as workshops and seminars night observation open to the general public.

Both the director of the conference, Oscar Blanco, as the vice president of the Council of Ourense, Rosendo Fernández, highlighted the excellent conditions offered by this point ourensana geography and the great possibilities for the promotion of astro. The Mayor of A Veiga, Juan Anta, said for his part that the astro-tourism “is working well and, in fact, before start advertising these days already have many of our rural houses reserved for those days.”

The price for participation in the conference is 10 euros, 25 with food and can register on the Tourist Office of A Veiga, through the phone number 988 350 130 or