Turismo Rías Baixas

The Second Meeting of Galicia Tourism Cluster, held on Thursday March 17 at the Auditorium Mar de Vigo, appeared in Vigo with the presence of the president of the council, Carmela Silva, and the mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero

  The profound changes experienced management of tourist destinations in the past decade along with the challenges of introducing new technologies in this market as well as the approach and greater knowledge of the most interesting markets for Galician tourism are some of the objectives under which comes the second edition of Galicia Tourism Cluster Meetings, to be held in a single day on 17 March in the Auditorium Mar de Vigo.

Under the heading “Objective 5 million: Challenges and opportunities of marketing and technology Destino Galicia”, the conference will seek to deepen the new forms of marketing in the tourism sector and propose solutions to the challenges posed by the emergence and changes that they have occurred in the way in which the traveling tourists 2.0.

This was highlighted the represntantes Cluster Tourism of Galicia, César Ballesteros and Diego Otero, who were accompanied in the presentation of the conference by the president of the council, Carmela Silva, and alcadel of Vigo, Abel Caballero as well as by Deputy provincial Tourism, Hector Santos. Both Silva and Caballero agreed on highlighting the great potential of the tourism sector, which is called to be the lever that moves the economy of the province. In this regard Silva highlighted green tourism, wine tourism, cultural heritage, architectural and gastronomic of the province, as axes to be explored to offer “our visitors a varied and complete range of activities for all corners of the province”  .

For its part, the mayor of the city highlighted the richness and quality of tourism in the city and province and thanked the Council that these II Encuentros, which placed Vigo as the tourism capital during that day.

Essential professional appointment

The conference, to be held open in the morning and afternoon, will include panel discussions and several papers with national and international experts as the president of Segittur, Antonio Lopez, the former head of VisitLondon, the consulting Mady Keup, or Raul Garcia, one of MICE experts in marketing and new technologies.

The program will be completed with individual roundtables around the analysis of the primary markets for Galician tourism, with the participation of the heads of the Tourist Offices of Spain from the UK, Germany and the United States and the other on the main technological tools that have changed the way of understanding tourism marketing and which will be attended by representatives of leading companies such as Beonprice, the Spanish company of reference of revenue management, the channel manager ParityRate or the Hotel Technological Institute, complentando an essential table to understand how it has changed in a few years the functioning of the marketing of tourism in which the use of big data and consolidating the use of channel manager, which brings together information from hundreds of agents change their offers hosting on and off line every minute is crucial. It therefore is a must for the Galician tourism professional sector.

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