The Xunta consensúa with the sector the objectives to advance in the plan of territorial dynamization of the five denominations of origin of the wine. Under the maxim of cooperation between administrations and with the tourist sector, the aim is to improve the positioning of Galician wines as a whole, boosting the tourist offer in the production areas through the future strategic plan for territorial dynamisation of the five appellations of origin of Galician wine.
Galicia is known for its gastronomy and to link it to its territory is fundamental to economically promote these areas”, highlighted the Councillor for the Rural Environment, José González, who recalled that the wine sector involves more than 13.The Minister of Economy, Francisco Conde, also pointed out that the wine sector involves more than 13,000 viticulturists and more than 460 wineries that produce an estimated value of more than 206 million euros in the market, in addition to being the most exporting sector of the Galician economy.
In this area, he recalled that until next May 16 is open the first call for Business Factory Food, the accelerator of the agrifood sector that seeks to promote new projects that bring innovative ideas in this area.
Galicia Taste Strategy
In order to achieve these goals, the plan will develop a series of actions based on the development of socio-economic indicators, from demographic indicators to those related to employment or added value, among others. A study of the wine value chain and the tourism sector will also be carried out, as well as a detailed analysis of the natural, cultural and landscape heritage.
For his part, the Minister of Culture and Tourism stressed the Galicia Sabe Strategy, a new roadmap that will help define priorities and plan the activity of this type of tourism in the next four years. The aim is to promote a model of sustainable and responsible development through five strategic lines. These include the recognition and protection of Galician gastronomic culture; the stimulation of knowledge, training and R&D&I; the promotion of products and lines of work in food and wine tourism; the renewal of marketing and communication; and the creation of a governance model.
In short, as Román Rodríguez pointed out, Galicia Sabe will facilitate the rapprochement between the primary sector and tourism and will also serve to promote rural tourism with a seasonally adjusted model that is committed to the environment and the territory.