Fiestas de Interés Turístico

With the aim of readjusting the programmes and measures implemented by the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the tourism sector in the post-covid 19 scenario, the Xunta has announced its intention to adopt more flexible formulas to speed up the subsidies and adjust the requirements and conditions to the current situation. Thus, the contributions for the hiring of personnel in the tourist offices during the summer, for the festivals of tourist interest and for the improvement of tourist or geodestine infrastructures will be reconsidered.

These are grants that the Xunta had been calling annually through orders and that will be made through individual agreements to expedite their processing, agreeing the objectives of each line adapting them to each particular case and to avoid leaving items unexecuted. The Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) includes the resolution in these effects, which will replace the administrative tool to implement the new budget items which, in any case, will mean the elimination of aid.

This measure, which was already communicated by the Galician Government to the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (Fegamp), responds to the need to adapt the processing of these grants to the scenario of the health crisis, maintaining the contributions of previous years but modifying the formulas of recruitment and the purpose of the same to suit the situation of the beneficiaries.

Wednesday May 20th, 2020

The Xunta modifies orders and aids for tourism that will be managed through individual agreements to meet objectives and aids in the new post-covid-19 scenario

With the aim of readjusting the programmes and measures implemented by the Regional Ministry of Culture and Tourism for the tourism sector in the post-covid 19 […]
Monday March 26th, 2018

The Galician Council of Tourism promotes the distinction of Holy Week in Santiago de Compostela as a festival of tourist interest

This decision also extends the other celebrations such as the Butelo de A Fonsagrada Fair and the Feast of the Soup of Mourente The Galician Council […]
Wednesday June 17th, 2015

Arde Lucus vuelve a sumergir a Lugo en la época romana

Con una previsión de entre un 80 y 90%de plazas hoteleras ocupadas, el sector tiene buenas previsiones para estas fiestas lucenses Talleres de peinados romanos, fabricación […]
Tuesday January 13th, 2015

La Feria Internacional de Galicia acogerá del 20 al 22 de marzo la nueva edición de Turexpo 2015

Del 20 al 22 de marzo, la en Silleda volverá a acoger Salón turísticoTurexpo, que llega a su quinta edición con la colaboración de la Axencia […]