Promoted by the Spanish Conference of Wine Regulatory Councils (CECRV), the second edition of the D.O.WINE MOVEMENT DAY will be held on 12 May, an initiative that aims to become a festive, popular and participative day that will take place in different parts of Spain and in which we will all drink a toast together at 1:30 p.m. for the wine with Denomination of Origin and for MOVIMIENTO WINE D.O. The initiative, which aims to promote wine culture in Spain as part of our gastronomy and tourism, has the support of 26 national designations of origin, including four of the five Galician DOs, Rías Baixas, Ribeiro, Monterrei and Ribeira Sacra.
On that day, each of them organized a celebration event. Thus, in the case of Ribeiro, in collaboration with the Ribadavia Council, a small fair will be organised where it will be possible to buy tikets and glasses for the tasting of both white and red wine at popular prices. A DJ will brighten up the day and every half hour there will be raffles for wine and merchandising lots among the participating public. In Monterrei the event is held inside the headquarters of the Regulatory Council at 13:30 with a collective toast, while in Rías Baixas the celebration will begin at 13:00 with live music and minutes before the toast is held at 13:30 the public will pick up the wine tastings. At the end of the toast, the group “La Casa de los Ingleses” will play live.
Ribeira Sacra will celebrate it coinciding with the XXV Mostra dos Viños da Ribeira Sacra de Pantón with a presentation by the president and will continue with the toast at 13:30. There will be a closing musical performance.