The 61 councils of Pontevedra will star in the campaign to promote tourism of the County Council in 2019, focusing on festivals of tourist interest

The 61 councils of Pontevedra will star in the campaign to promote tourism of the County Council in 2019, focusing on festivals of tourist interest

Fitur will again mark the beginning of tourism promotion for 2019, also for the Provincial Council of Pontevedra, which is already working on the axes around which tourism promotion will revolve next year. “We want to make a promotion in which the 61 municipalities of the province are the protagonists,” said its president, Carmela Silva, “particularly we want the backbone to be the festivals of national and international tourist interest, which speak of our history, our culture, our landscape, our traditions, our cuisine and therefore address a tourism focused on multi-experiences,” said the president who emphasized during her speech the great progress that has experienced the Strategic Tourism Plan of the Province of Pontevedra that, as announced, has already initiated 93% of its actions within the five lines of work raised in the document that have to do with optimization, efficiency and coordination of management and governance, with the structuring of supply oriented to demand and the creation of specific products, with excellence in the destination and in the sector through plans for competitiveness and professionalization, with the promotion plan and with support for the marketing of the destination province of Pontevedra.

Coordinated work with the sector
The president of the Provincial Council made this announcement after the celebration of the Provincial Table of Tourism, which also addressed issues relating to SICTED, the Comprehensive System of Quality Tourism in Destinations that is being implemented by the Provincial Council of Pontevedra and already has 224 distinguished companies, a bet that has added a significant increase during 2017. In this sense, the County Council expressed its interest in getting most of these companies opt in 2019 to achieve the Q for Quality. For it, the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia has raised a joint work between the private sector and the administrations that facilitated the qualitative jump that contributes to a differentiation of the brand Pontevedra by its tourist excellence.

Participation of Galician Tourism
The Provincial Table of Tourism of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra also served for the Galician Government, through the director of Tourism of Galicia, could share with the members of the sector and the participating administrations its permanent commitment to this province and also to listen and put on the table the demands and needs of professionals and administrations involved. The importance of establishing synergies in terms of quality, the tourist importance of Big Data and the opportunity for deseasonalization taking advantage of the potential as a wine destination, were some of the issues that focused the meeting.