The Xunta receives nearly 1000 applications to be part of the second call for O teu Xacobeo

The Xunta receives nearly 1000 applications to be part of the second call for O teu Xacobeo

This figure represents an increase of nearly 50% compared to the first call, when 654 projects were received

The line in which the demand increased the most is that dedicated to promoting projects presented by individuals and small and medium enterprises

The second call for O teu Xacobeo, the programme launched by the Xunta de Galicia with the aim of bringing the celebration of the Holy Year to all town councils and encouraging citizen participation, received nearly 1,000 applications that show the great interest of society in this celebration. This figure represents an increase of nearly 50% in relation to the number of applications received in the first call, when 654 projects were presented that are enabling initiatives to be developed in 140 municipalities in the four provinces.

With a contribution of 3.3 million, in addition to the 4.7 million already underway, this new edition will once again have three different lines of aid aimed at local entities, in which priority will be given in this call to municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants; SMEs and individuals, which is the item in which the number of projects received increased the most, and a third, aimed at public or private non-profit entities. As it happened in the last edition, this is the section in which the highest number of applications was received.

Xacobeo 2021 Strategic Plan
With this second call, the Xunta de Galicia will contribute a total of 8 million euros to launch projects for the whole of Galician society, encouraging participation, decentralising Xacobeo 2021 and making it felt throughout Galicia. These are all management principles included in the Strategic Plan of Xacobeo, the roadmap launched by the Galician Government for the design and planning of the coming Holy Year.