This resolution will allow tourist establishments to carry out actions that contribute to a greater integration with the landscape, respecting the environmental values of the Galician coast. The subsidy has a budget of 6,550,000 euros, differentiating between two help lines. The first, aimed at municipalities, has an amount of 4,465,000 euros; and the second, aimed at tourist establishments, has a budget of 2,075,000 euros.
On the one hand, the municipalities of the Galician coast will be able to access three eligible lines of action: transition and ecological, with a budget of 2,700,000 euros; digital transition; with 675,000 euros; and accessible and inclusive transition, with 1,100,000 euros. On the other hand, aid for tourist establishments is divided into two lines of action: one for environmental technologies, with a budget of 1,125,000 euros; and another for the improvement of the tourist facade of the coast, with 950,000 euros.
The first line, of environmental technologies, includes the creation of environments that prioritize natural light, the installation of solar control films on the windows, the construction of attached greenhouses, roof terraces and green terraces, or the installation of systems to use the water. This aid covers up to 90% of the total eligible cost of the project, with the maximum amount per aid being 60,000 euros.
The second line, on the improvement of the tourist façade of the coast, considers the coating and/or painting of blind façade walls, the renovation of the finishing of the blind parameters of façades, exterior carpentry or locksmiths, the finishing or renovation of the exterior finish of roofs, or the lining of the enclosing walls of the plot where the establishment is located. This aid has a coverage of up to 80% of the total eligible cost of the project, with the maximum amount per aid being 55,000 euros.
You can process this subsidy through the electronic office of the Xunta de Galicia (code TU503F).