The Supreme Court agrees with the Xunta de Galicia and annuls the ruling on tourist housing

Considers the incident of annulment presented in November by the Galician Government when it understood that its right to effective judicial protection was violated

The Supreme Court agrees with the Xunta de Galicia regarding its decree on tourist accommodation, thus giving full effect to the Galician decree that states that the rental of this type of tourist accommodation must be carried out in its entirety and not by stays

The high court’s ruling thus agrees with the Galician Government, which applauds this court decision that annuls the ruling issued last October, in which it invalidated one of the aspects of the Galician rule for this type of accommodation, that relating to rent by room.

In November, the autonomous Executive presented an incident of nullity after understanding that its right to effective judicial protection was violated, given that the sentence intended to annul an article of the decree 12/2017 that was previously contained in the law 7/2011. Now the High Court is dealing with the claims made from Galicia and is annulling the ruling. At the same time, it rejects the arguments presented by the State’s Attorney.

This decision means the support to the one defended by the Xunta in the last weeks and gives full force to our regulation about the tourist rent. Based on this, both tourist and holiday homes must always be marketed for the entirety of the property and not for stays, as claimed by the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC), which has been presenting various appeals against the Galician regulations.