Galicia Tourism earmarks 170,000 euros to finance the process of achieving and maintaining the Q for Quality

Galicia Tourism earmarks 170,000 euros to finance the process of achieving and maintaining the Q for Quality

Municipalities and tourism companies and services are the recipients of the call for this 2022, which may also be used to apply for the seal S for Sustainability.


The municipalities and tourism companies and services that are preparing to apply for the Q for Quality seal awarded by the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality (ICTE) or have to proceed with its maintenance or renewal will be eligible for a new line of aid to meet the costs of the process. The call just launched by the Galicia Tourism Agency through the Official Journal of Galicia (DOG) is endowed with a total of 170,000 euros and the one-month deadline for submitting applications opened on Wednesday 11 May.


As stated in the resolution published in the DOG, the aid is aimed both at local councils, or their instrumental entities that manage public services, and at those private individuals or legal entities that manage tourist establishments or services and that are registered in the Xunta’s Register of Tourist Companies and Activities. In the case of companies, applicants must be classified as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


Most of the amount of the call, 160,000 euros, will go to the private sector, while the councils will share the remaining 10,000 euros. In both cases, they will be able to subsidise expenses such as external audits for certification, monitoring and renewal of the seal of quality initiated from 1 January this year or those from 2021 that were postponed and are invoiced during the current financial year, and the annual fee payable to the ICTE for the use of the mark.


The call will also cover the same costs for the S for Sustainability, the new seal launched this year by the ICTE to certify compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and which in Galicia already has a dozen establishments adhered.