Galician restaurants once again shine with 78 Repsol Soletes

The famous gastronomic guide recognises with a new distinction the best establishments to enjoy in autumn and winter.


The hotel and catering industry plays an important role in the Galician tourist offer, which has been recognised with numerous awards and distinctions. This has just happened again with the Autumn/Winter Soletes, a new category created by the famous Repsol Guide, which has included 78 Galician establishments in its first list of outstanding establishments throughout the Peninsula. It is a distinction that follows in the footsteps of the Summer Soletes that the same publication launched at the beginning of last summer season to give visibility to establishments that are close, accessible, affordable and where a good atmosphere reigns.


The Autumn Soletes have focused, in the words of the promoters of this initiative, on those “simple places” that customers would recommend to their friends and relatives. “Honest cuisine, affordable prices and an atmosphere that now also appeals in places designed to keep out the cold: cosy cafés and eating houses where the spoon rules; but also bars with well-stocked bars, cocktail bars to celebrate the return to life, and the occasional winter terrace”. These are the characteristics of a heterogeneous list in which there are proposals for all kinds of public, different times of the day and with offers ranging from a restorative breakfast to a tasty menu and a delicious tapa.


If the Summer Soletes focused on the most popular holiday destinations, these Autumn/Winter Soletes have chosen to highlight urban environments and the spaces in which most people go about their daily routines.


Casa Lestón and Etel&Pan (Fisterra), Nordestada (Porto do Son), O Senra (Noia), A Capela (Arteixo), Noijra and Bara Nuevo (A Pobra do Caramiñal), O Gaiteiro (Cabanas), A Casa dos Martínez (Padrón), Preludio (OIeiros), Habarizo, Terra Mía, La Sastrería, Pepa A Loba, El Valentín, Pontejos, La Esquina de Valentina, Vermutería Martínez and Charlatán (A Coruña), Josefa’s Bar, A Barcia and David Freire (Ferrol), and Santoro, Artesana, Anaco, A Tasquiña de San Pedro, Café Venecia, Lusco & Fusco, Ventosela, A Noiesa, Comovino y A Tulla Comocobata (Santiago de Compostela) are the recognised businesses in the province of A Coruña.


In the province of Lugo, the Soletes have gone to Os Pendellos and A Faragulla (Chantada), Casa do Labrego (Begonte), Cervexería Vikinga (Viveiro), Casa Cándida (Muras), Doce Lecer and A Lonxa (Burela), A Cofradía de Rinlo and A Mareta (Ribadeo), Casa de Curro (Baralla), and Los Infantiles, Os Cachivaches, A Laxa, Toscana, Cotá, Legends, Canela Bakery and Confitería Ramón (Lugo).


In Ourense are Lusitano (Lobios), La Viuda (A Pobra de Trives), O Pepiño (Allariz), O Muíño do Chirlo (Celanova), O Birrán (Ribadavia), Adega Regadas (O Carballiño) and La Estación de Lomán, Latino and La Zapatería del Abuelo (Ourense).


And in the province of Pontevedra, the most outstanding venues are Argentinos Burguer (A Estrada), Casa Rosita and Ribeira de Fefifáns (Cambados), Michael’s and A Curva (Sanxenxo), Casa Pipeiro (Ponte Caldelas), Fidalgo (Baiona), Michigan (Nigrán), Amásame Bakery and O Salgadoiro (Pontevedra) and O Coto, Don Marco, Aplomo, La Mesa de Conus, La Pepita, Niño Corvo, Eligio, PurOsushi and La Trastienda del Cuatro (Vigo).