The Federation of Employers of Barbanza launched in April a complete training program


The Federation of Employers of Barbanza launched in April a complete training program

In order to improve the tourist and shopping attractions of the region of Barbanza, the Federation of Employers of Barbanza in collaboration with the Provincial Council of A Coruna, the Tourism Cluster of Galicia and Abanca Foundation are launched in the month of April 1st destinations training plan for professionals, freelancers and SMEs in the tourism and commercial sectors within the area of ​​influence of the region.

The training plan will run between 5 and 28 April and will focus on three thematic blocks: leadership and business management, excellence in customer service and use of social networks. FEB seeks this formacióncontribuir to the professionalization of the sector, providing new tools and strategies to entrepreneurs and professionals who enable them to contribute to the growth of its business and industrial fabric Galician tourism. The training plan is the result of a collaboration agreement between the FEB and the Provincial Deputation by a large 37,500 euros destianados the execution of the training activities, to be held in Padron Noia, Riveira, Boiro, Mazaricos and Pobra do Caramiñal .

Those interested in recorded in some of the formations can gather more information on the Federation of Employers of Barbanza, in its mail or phone 981 84 82 16.