Galicia improves competitiveness and growth with good results accumulated in the first five months of the year in travelers and hotel overnight stays

Galicia improves competitiveness and growth with good results accumulated in the first five months of the year in travelers and hotel overnight stays

With Murcia, it was the territory with the best results in the month of May, with growth above the average for Spain as a whole.

For the fifth month Galicia again marked good results in the number of travelers received, increased hotel profitability by almost ten points over the same period last year, although prices remain stable. Galicia returned to lead, along with Murcia, the good results in arrival of travelers, according to data published by the Hotel Occupancy Survey of the INE.

According to data from the INE, tourism in Galicia is growing above the Spanish average exceeding by ten percentage points the figures of the rest of Spain, where the number of nights grew less than 1%. Thus, in May our territory received 38,000 more travelers than the previous year, leaving the final figure at over 420,000, surpassing historic highs and does so in all areas, domestic, national and international, also improving the average stay by almost two points compared to the same period last year.

Also the sector saw its results improved from the economic point of view. According to INE statistics, hotel rates remain stable and profitability grew by almost 10% in May.

Balance of profitability and employment, according to Exceltur

According to Exceltur’s latest report on profitability and employment in Spanish tourist destinations in the first four months of the year, the trend continues towards a slowdown in the growth of socio-economic profitability in this period.

According to the analysis of tourism employers, the year-on-year growth of RevPAR in Spain for the period January-April 2019 stood at +1.9% to reach an average annual value of € 49.5, while employment increased by +2.5%, which meant 12,145 new jobs in these destinations. Despite this slower growth, of the 99 destinations analysed, 66 again experienced increases in income and 65 of them in tourism-induced employment, compared to the positive records of a 2018 that had already reached the peaks of the last decade.

The report also includes the consolidation in the disparity growth of urban destinations and the fall that begins to appreciate in the vacation and especially in the most dependent on foreign demand touroperizada, which in these early months of the year is very concentrated in the Canary Islands and suffer a decline in all indicators of socio-economic profitability of tourism in this beginning of 2019, which this time includes Easter which is very important. Thus, urban destinations mark a good performance, the result of an increasingly higher profile of foreign demand more prone to enjoy urban experiences, reflected both in large iconic cities (Madrid +8.0% in hotel overnight stays, Barcelona +12.0%, Valencia +5.2%, Seville +15.8%, Granada +8.8%, Malaga +11.7%, Santiago +14.1%, or Bilbao +9.2%) as well as in smaller cities (Cádiz +24.9%, Córdoba +15.7%, A Coruña +8.0%, León 9.6% Ávila +22.2% or Burgos +6.0%). However, it is also worth noting that Galician cities, especially Santiago de Compostela, continue to be in the queue in terms of income per available room.