A trade mision to WTM London concludes with over 20 UK operator contacted


A trade mision to WTM London concludes with over 20 UK operator contacted

The partners have maintained around fifty professional meetings, among those promoted by the Cluster and those of their own agendas

The second commercial mission of the Cluster Turismo Galicia concludes to the World Travel Market of London with a number of professional meetings scheduled and with the opening of contact with 20 British tour operators interested in the Galician tourism offer. A total of 24 professional meetings have been scheduled from the Clúster Turismo de Galicia with the partners that formed the commercial mission – thirty and total of different areas of the sector – which have maintained an active networking agenda. To these meetings must also be added those made on their own by each of the professionals who have attended this international tourism fair, the most important for the sector.

Being a mature market like the British, with a high knowledge of the region and its potential as a tourist destination, many of the tour operators who have had working meetings with the Galician sector are looking for specialized and quality tourist product, linked to different Market niches, especially active and adventure tourism – seeking to establish links with wine and gastronomic tourism – luxury and cultural tourism, as well as interest in discovering new routes or new experiences linked to the Camino de Santiago, beyond the traditional route on foot or by bicycle.

Among the novelties has also highlighted the demand of tour operators of activities linked to nature observation, with the aim of developing tours in Galicia linked, for example, to ornithology.

Working with continuity
In addition, we have continued to work on the links opened in the last edition, with the objective of continuing to consolidate the work begun in the last edition of the WTM. “These kinds of professional meetings allow us to better understand the demands of a market that is as relevant to us as the British market, the second in weight in international travelers, after Portugal,” explained Francisco González, President of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia , Which stressed the importance of generating meetings that should continue to be worked in the medium and long term.